Thursday, May 05, 2005

Pena's Smile Fades

Tony Pena stopped smiling long enough to shut the locker room door last night and give his team a little talking to after yet another loss. Reporters who waited outside said they heard what sounded like a fist pounding on a table and a thump against a wall that might have been a bat.

He apparently wasn't upset about the effort that the Royals are giving, but instead about the attitude that some players have that seems to be more concerned about individual statistics and performances than wins and losses.

"He's just asking for guys to play with heart and really care—care about winning and losing and not just be here to worry about getting a hit or pitching a good inning or two," Sweeney said.

"It doesn't matter if you're 0-for-4. If we win the game, it's time to celebrate. If you're 4-for-4 and we get our tails kicked, you should be ticked off."

I've been hoping for this day for the past several years. Now I wonder if people are going to start saying that the players can't relate to Pena since that seemed to be so important when Tony Muser was here.

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